Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) has been in use for over 30 years and over 4 million people have taken the assessment worldwide. The TKI instrument examines conflict in two dimensions producing a model of five modes.  Organizations use the TKI as the foundation for developing a common language to help their team members think effectively and communicate clearly about conflict and how to manage it.  Whether your needs are based on individual or organizational development, the TKI is a powerful tool to help you achieve your effectiveness objectives.    

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Learn Your TKI Conflict Mode Style!
Increase your self-awareness and learn how to manage conflict to improve your interpersonal effectiveness!

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Handling Instrument (TKI) from CPP, Inc., the world's best-selling conflict handling style assessment, will reveal your conflict-handling profile and your most to least used conflict modes.

Your TKI report will provide insight and recommendations for increasing your conflict mode effectiveness. Take the TKI assessment now and
view your results instantly!

The TKI assessment consists of 30 items and takes about 15 minutes to complete. After you place your order there is a link to take the assessment from the receipt page.

We accept all international payments and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. The testing website is available 24 hours a day!

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